
Log transforms your Pebble into a powerful data collection tool that’s ready to capture information wherever you go. Whether you want to track smartstrap output (e.g. GPS or heart rate), built-in sensor data (compass, accelerometer), or your own custom-defined events and properties, Log allows you to collect the data that’s important to you, and easily visualize the results. :watch: :arrow_right: :bar_chart:

Open Beta

The initial 0.1 release of Log is limited to two example tracking events that allow users to manually track charging habits/battery life (Charged Pebble and Unplugged); at present all user data is aggregated, and may be viewed via app settings in the Pebble Android/iOS app. :iphone: :mag_right: :bar_chart:

Next Steps

Once the underlying functionality has been validated, the ability to collect and analyize smartstrap, health, voice, and other custom data will be incorporated. :bowtie:


Hot-Dog IO makes unique, innovative watchapps and watchfaces for the Pebble smartwatch. :bowtie:

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